2019 Norton Sound Red King Crab


Updated: 10:00 AM PST on 1/27/2025



Crew member relief disbursement is scheduled for early 2025.

Due to the low return rates of crew member applications, ADF&G staff are currently discussing an alternative methodology for calculating crew payments. Without this adjustment, crew members would receive payments significantly higher than permit holders, which is not in line with typical crew contracts or settlements. Therefore, an alternative approach is under consideration. Once NOAA approves an amended spend plan, PSMFC will be able to issue relief to the 2019 Norton Sound Red King Crab crew members.


Please, if not already doing so, continue to monitor our website for updates. This will be our primary source for publicizing information.


For questions please write AKFishDisaster@psmfc.org or call (888) 517-7262