Feb 282025

Impacts to Federal Fishery Disaster Relief


To address concerns regarding federal fishery disaster relief funded through NOAA Fisheries, the Commission reports that, as of this posting, there are no impacts. If changes occur or new information becomes available, we will update this page with the relevant details.


In the meantime, please refrain from contacting us about this matter while we focus on processing claims for ongoing disasters. Please note that the Commission may receive updates at the same time as the general public. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work through these challenges.

Feb 252025

The Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission (PSMFC) is working collaboratively with National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to distribute funds appropriated by Congress for various fishery disasters.  NMFS has requested the Commission administer the fishery disaster programs.

For questions, please contact the respective state’s disaster team:

Due to high call volumes, return calls may be delayed. For faster responses, please email.

If leaving a voicemail you MUST:

  1. Provide your first and last name (and business name if applicable)
  3. Provide a brief message
  4. Provide a good call back number you can be reached at. 

For additional information:

Feb 252025

Notifications with instructions and unique IDs necessary for application will be sent out during the week of February 24th to eligible individuals/entities in the troll, buyer, and charter sectors.


In-river salmon guides who purchased a guide license between 2020-2023 and expressed their intent to target salmon will receive a similar notification. However, guides must provide documentation of a gross revenue loss for their businesses in order to qualify. Additionally, guides will receive an affidavit and loss worksheet, which must be completed before applying for relief online.


For more information: CLICK HERE

Important Notice for Applicants Submitting Multiple Applications


If you have received more than one notice or are submitting multiple applications using the same email address, please use the following link for any second or subsequent applications: https://fs2.formsite.com/r5VtxP/wguakkxdun/index


Please note that the web link and QR code provided in your initial notification will only be valid for your first application when using the same email address.


Feb 182025

PSMFC has recently become aware that some individuals have not received the expected auto-generated confirmation email. We are currently working with ShareFile support, our third-party hosting service, to resolve this issue.

If the page confirmed that the file was uploaded, please rest assured that it has been successfully received, and no additional action is needed.

Jan 242025

Applications for the 2021-22 and 2022-23 Bristol Bay Red King Crab and Bering Sea Snow Crab Quota Share Holders and Vessel Owners were sent out on Friday, January 24, 2025. Applicants will have until Friday, April 25, 2025, to submit their applications.


If you believe you qualify but have not received an application, please reach out to us starting no earlier than Monday, February 17, 2025. This allows enough time for the United States Postal Service to deliver your application or for returned mail to be returned to our office.


Vessel owners are responsible for providing a complete record of all captains and crew members. This information will be used to generate and mail applications for eligible captains and crew.


Applications for captains and crew will be available later this spring.


For more information: CLICK HERE

Jan 222025

Applications for the 2018 and 2020 Upper Cook Inlet Salmon Disasters are now available. 

Permit Holders have until January 31st, 2025 to apply. 

Processors have until February 11th, 2025 to apply. 

Crew Members have until February 28th, 2025 to apply. 

Please CLICK HERE for more information and applications.